Reporter Tries To Keep Her Cool While Her Two Cats Fight Behind Her During Live TV Interview.

Some might say that working from home is a piece of cake, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes we can get way more distracted while working from the living room, than from the office.Yes, there are no annoying co-workers around, but we still have to put up with our family, or in this case, with our pets.

Cats ever fail to make us laugh. They’re cute, adventurous, mischievous, and presumably have absolutely no concept of what is and isn’t appropriate.

As adorable as kitty-antics may be, they aren’t always easy to handle.

Just ask Doris Bigornia, a journalist from the Philipines who had to try to remain professional during her live TV interview, and ignore the fact that her two kitties were fighting ferociously behind her.

Bigornia has had to perform more of her reporting from her home and, as anyone with pets knows, finding a nice and quiet workspace at home isn’t always the easiest thing in the world.

In a now-viral video, Bigornia tries her best to keep her cool, while her cats fight in the background.

Bigornia does a great job of continuing the interview, but can’t help but glance back at the ruckus a few times.

But all in all, Bigornia got through the interview and the literal-catfight like a real pro.

And she’s not too upset with her naughty kitties. In fact, she seems to be embracing the humour of the situation and has had a few good laughs about the incident herself.

It’s all part of being pet-parent, after all !


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