Momma Cat Tries Sneaking Into The Vet Clinic To Reunite With Abandoned Kittens

Momma Cat Tries Sneaking Into The Vet Clinic To Reunite With Abandoned Kittens – News

Staff at a vet clinic discovered a box full of four adorable abandoned kittens on their doorstep one day.
They were so adorable that they immediately fell in love with them. They stepped up to take care of them until they could find them new everlasting homes, of course.
They didn’t see an adult cat lingering around the front steps of the vet’s office until the next morning, attempting to run inside every time the door opened.
The nurses eventually gave up and let her into the vet’s office. They only realized she was a feeding mother after they performed this.

When the nurses realized she was a nursing mother, they ‘got it’ and introduced her to the abandoned kittens.

‘Wonderful to see you again!’ Staff took the kittens in and were more than willing to care for them, but subsequently noticed an adult tabby lounging outside, attempting to gain entry. When the nurses realized she was a breastfeeding mother, the ‘penny fell.’ They introduced her to the abandoned kittens, and she formed an immediate attachment with them.

Abandoned: The four tiny kittens who were dumped in a box on the doorstep of a vet's clinic in New Zealand

The attachment between the other and the three-four week old kittens was understandably instantaneous.

Staff from the Mill Road Vet Clinic in New Zealand shared the touching story on Facebook, writing:

‘It was a wonderful reunion.’ She had to have been in the box with us and gotten out before we got to work. She’s most likely been out all night searching for her kidnapped kittens!’

'A very happy reunion!' Staff took in the kittens and more than ready to nurture them themselves, but later discovered an adult tabby loitering outside trying to sneak in. The nurses discovered she was a feeding mother and the 'penny dropped'. They introduced her to the abandoned kittens and the bond was instant

The staff described how they discovered the kittens, saying, ‘We found a package of kittens dumped on our front door yesterday.’ Of course, we were all smitten with them, and vet nurse Nicole took them home to look after them for the night.

‘We spotted a tabby cat loitering around our front entrance this morning, trying to get in whenever a client came in.’

Lost and found: Staff said the mother had probably been prowling all night looking for her 'kidnapped' kittens

‘When we saw it wasn’t going away, we lifted her up and found out she was a breastfeeding mother.’ The penny finally dropped!’

The reunited family had found a new home with a relative of a member of staff who had lost their own cat, according to them.

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