A red fox named Cropper was found on the side of a road and rescued by The Fox Project in Turnbridge Wells in England. Due to being badly injured and ill (toxoplasmosis), the rescue could not let him return to the wild. For this reason, they just had two choices: put down him or find him a home. However, it was very difficult to look for a home for a wild animal. Everything got stuck until Mike Trowler, a retired engineer appeared.

Mike stated that fox behavior impressed him and that he spent his time dealing with them.As a result, Mike brought Cropper home and nursed him back to health.In addition to caring for injured foxes, he fosters orphaned fox cubs until they can be released back into the wild.

Mike took care of Cropper with lots of love, patience and of course determination, and after a short while, it seemed that Cropper had fully integrated into the family. He often stolen food from the dog’s dish, played with the cats, and loved to curl up with Mike. The two quickly formed an unlikely friendship and the video below will show you their incredible story.


Unfortunately, after six very happy years, Cropper passed away and another fox in need called Jack moved in with Mike.

He is adorable and loves watching TV with Mike, playing and taking a bath in the sink.

Don’t miss this video of Mike and Jack!




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