Man Leaves His Job And Sells Everything To Travel With The Cat Who Rescued Him During Hard Times.

Richard and Willow is the inseparable human-cat duo who took a van as their home and traveled the whole of Australia in it. They met each other through Richard’s ex-girlfriend, who couldn’t take care of Willow anymore. That’s when Richard became Willow’s loving cat dad. Since then, Willow has always been with him and stood by him though hard times in his life.

Richard made the decision to quit his corporate job in 2014 and sell everything he owned. He had always dreamed of traveling and now had a companion who would travel with him. Richard and Willow got started in December 2014 to take a trip all over Australia. They have visited every territory and state in Australia. You can see them traveling through pictures below and if you want to see more, you could always follow them on Instagram.

This is Willow the adventure cat.


He first met his cat dad, Richard, when he was 2-years old.


Her original owner was Richard’s ex-girlfriend who later entrusted her under Richard’s care.


Apparently, that was a magical moment for both of them…


Because they became an inseparable tandem.



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