Growling Dog’s Legs Were Tied Together He Drags Himself & Pants In Pain

When Animal Aid responded to a report about a dog dragging himself through the trash, they had no idea what they were in for. The rescuers had no understanding why the unfortunate boy’s hind legs were bound together. He dragged himself along, panting from the heat and discomfort. Thankfully, ilovemydogsomuch says, this was only the beginning of his experience.

The dog was taken back to the rescuer center. He was placed on the exam table. It wasn’t obvious to the vet and his team as to why he was paralyzed. There were no obvious wounds or scars. But when they touched him, his body went completely rigid from pain. It was heart-wrenching.

The rescuers decided to name the dog ‘Comfy’. But the dog was anything but comfortable. The dog was given sedation and pain medication so he was nice and relaxed but then time went by and after he had slept and ate a meal, his whole demeanor changed.

Comfy didn’t want to be touched at all. He growled and barked if anyone tried. The main problem was that in order to help Comfy recover, he needed physical therapy which required a therapist to touch him. What were they going to do now? How were they going to help this dog without traumatizing him further?

They had to devise a plan. The first step was to consult their most experienced trainer. She agreed to work with Comfy. He had to begin to trust human touch in order to begin physical therapy. It was obvious he needed to be approached slowly and with compassion. And that’s exactly what the trainer did.

Comfy was very nervous at first. Especially when it was time for therapy. His body tensed up and he was tempted to growl again. But slowly, and steadily, through patience and compassion, Comfy learned that the hands that were laid upon him were to help him, not hurt him.

What happens next in the video is PURE MAGIC! And cannot be missed! Animal Aid is an incredible organization that rescues strays like Comfy and allows them to stay indefinitely at their facility. Comfy is forever safe, and loved, thanks to them.

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