Goose Super Mom Takes Care Of 47 Babies At The Same Time.

They say “the more the merrier” and this patient mother goose and her partner seem to have taken this to heart; the loving Canada goose was recently spotted by Mike Digout, who was amazed to discover that she was taking care of a whopping 47 little goslings.

Digout lives in Saskatoon, Canada and was sitting by the Saskatchewan riverbank when he first spotted the family of geese.

Digout was actually looking to photograph beavers, but the unusual family pique his interest.

Mike Digout

Digout noticed a goose caring for 16 goslings, and he was impressed by the large number of dependents.He was soon to be far more impressed, however.

Mike Digout

Fascinated by the mother goose and her babies, Digout began returning to the river each night to look for the unusual family.

And every time he spotted the mother goose, her brood seemed to have grown.

Mike Digout

The number of goslings had increased from an impressive 16 to a mind-boggling 47 one night, and the line of little goslings trailing the mother goose was a spectacular sight.

Mike Digout

Digout photographed the scene and shared a photo of the supermom and her children on Facebook.”There’s a long line of goslings here.”It just keeps going and going…”Digout stated in his blog post.

Mike Digout

As it turns out, the mother goose has so many goslings due to a phenomenon known as “gang brooding.”

Gang brooding means that two or more pairs of geese parents decide to combine their families and raise their goslings collectively.

Mike Digout

This means that the goose mom is essentially babysitting a large number of goslings while their parents get some time to rest.

Considering how fast her brood grew, she must be known as quite the caretaker; she’s both a super mom and a supernanny.

Mike Digout

Digout continued to observe the large family and took numerous adorable photographs of their lives together.The goslings loved snuggling up under the mother goose, and when they outgrew her, they simply slept together in a big, adorable, snuggly pile.

Mike Digout




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