French Bulldog Meets NYPD Police Horse On Wall Street.

It’s so amazing to encounter two absolutely different species of animals world interacting with each other.

Everyone loves seeing that because it shows that even animals who are nothing alike appearance-wise, can have special and unique bonds with each other and when it comes to horses, they are one of the most sociable animals in the world.We have seen horses creating friendships with a lot of species, whether in the wild or as domesticated animals.

In the video below, we see an immediate connection between a horse and a dog. Both animals have shown quite a lot of love for each other, especially the ones who are living in the same barn. They are both very similar when it comes to personality and that is probably why their connection is usually immediate.  This example is no exception. What could possibly be cuter than two completely different animal species befriending each other and seeing them interact ?

This tiny little pup named Frenchie was just walking around with his owner on Wall Street, New York when they stumbled upon a rather large police horse. Police were active in the area because of the Occupy Wall Street protests, and slowly people noticed Frenchie and the horse interacting with each other. In fact, they even managed to draw a small crowd. It didn’t take long before people started to pick up their phones and capture the heartwarming moment. Upon seeing the crowd, Frenchie even approached some people in order to befriend them. What a friendly puppy he is. Take a peek at this lovely scene, below !


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