Brave Dog Saves A Baby Deer From Drowning

Brave Dog Saves A Baby Deer From Drowning

Meet Storm, the brave dog that acted without hesitation when he observed something or someone drowning in the ocean.

Storm dove right into the water and learned, as he neared the poor thing, that it was an injured newborn deer, according to
With his lips, he caught the newborn deer and dragged it to safety.

Storm refused not leave her side even after rescuing the fawn, licking her to keep her warm. He and his companion remained until assistance arrived.

They were from Strong Island Animal Rescue, and they got themselves into some trouble when the disoriented deer plunged back into the water.

This time, though, Frankie Florida, a shelter volunteer, leapt in to save her.

The fawn was then treated and made a full recovery, all thanks to Storm!

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