A stray dog that wanders onto their school track is rescued by five teenage boys.

A stray dog that had wandered onto their school’s track field and was famished was saved by a group of high school students. The dog was laying in the sun on the field while the five boys from Harlandale High School in San Antonio, Texas, were waiting between classes.

They had intended to offer her a pet, but as they got closer, they saw how ill-conditioned she was. They made the decision to assist her, so they went and grabbed her a bowl of water and took her to the shade.
They also got in touch with a neighborhood rescue group, who arranged to pick up the dog and transport her to the vet. Dog’s name was Londyn given by the boys.

Londyn was heartworm positive and coated in ticks in addition to being dangerously underweight. The rescue will now take care of her. The lads are all eager to learn more about Londyn’s development.

It’s fantastic that these kind young men did something to aid this sad dog!

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