Saying goodbye to your dog is never easy, but it can be especially painful when your dog is also your coworker. After years of exemplary service, German Shepherd-Malinois K-9 Vilo from the Orem Police Department is leaving his post. It’s time to bid his handler, Quentin, farewell after three years of being his companion.

Vilo and Quentin had a difficult start.Quentin was not Vilo’s first handler, despite the fact that they had only known each other for three years. When Vilo and his new friend first met, he wasn’t exactly kind to him. When I picked him up, he was growling at me the entire time we were going home. Vilo was struggling to get used to his new handler, but neither he nor Quentin realized that a unique friendship was about to form. After some time, a lasting bond had been established.

Source: YouTube/Happily

Vilo and Quentin chemistry developed quickly. They were both police officers, after all, and had a structured daily plan.

On the missions, Vilo and Quentin became closer day every day, and soon they couldn’t live without one another.

He ends up becoming both your partner and brother.

Vilo is a superb police canine with years of expertise in the hunt for and pursuit of criminals. Quentin received a lot of support from his capacity to learn new skills and his innately sound instincts.

Source: YouTube/Happily

Vilo periodically straddled the line between life and death. Some of their responsibilities required Vilo to follow armed criminals or clear the area before arresting them, which made things difficult.

It’s an extremely difficult choice you have to make… You have entire faith in him, and he has faith in you. You truly can’t understand it unless you’ve experienced it. Fortunately, neither Vilo nor Quentin were seriously hurt. His colleagues agreed to give him a fitting send-off because he concluded his career with a perfect record.His coworkers made an emotional radio call to him.While riding in the squad car with his partner, Vilo received his farewell salutation over the radio.

Quentin experienced strong emotions since the message his coworkers had prepared was so heartfelt. Vilo was unable to grasp the precise words, but he quickly picked up on his coworker’s sentiments despite this.

“You need to relax so badly. Over the course of your career, I appreciate you keeping your handlers safe and returning them to their homes each and every day. The final message was, “K-9 Vilo 1042, you’ll be missed.

Vilo is an excellent family dog.

Source: YouTube/Happily

Despite the fact that he is no longer a police dog, Vilo and Quentin remain great friends. Vilo is now a family dog that appreciates his job as a leader.He did need some time to acclimate to a completely new daily schedule, but he did it.Vilo and Quentin live happy lives together, illustrating that former police dogs can make good companions.





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