A helpless baby elephant staggers into a village, begging for assistance.

Orphaned Baby Elephant Staggers Into A Village Asking For Help

Samburu tribesmen took in and cared for a 1-week-old baby elephant that wobbled into a boma (a cattle enclosure) in Kenya’s Ndoto Mountains. The small elephant calf was frail and still had its umbilical chord attached. He’d been separated from his mother and herd, which was heartbreaking.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust was notified and deployed a helicopter to rescue the newborn elephant after one of the Samburu tribesmen travelled for over a day to find aid.

On August 7, 2014, Ndotto, the baby’s name, arrived to the Nairobi Nursery by helicopter. Ndotto is now receiving a special milk formula, as well as elephant plasma and the care he requires to live.

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