A Deaf Dachshund Overcomes Misery In His Early Years To Become A Very Happy Dog

Deaf Dachshund Overcomes Early Life Of Misery To Become A Very Happy Dog

Frank, the Dachshund, appears to be a very content dog. He wasn’t always like this. He was cruelly mistreated before being adopted by Rafael Borges and his wife.

When Rafael Borges and his wife met with Frank’s previous owner, they were certain he would pass away within a few days. Borges weighed barely 6.6 pounds at 5 months old and had not been immunized. He’d been confined to a small tiled space outside, malnourished, “shedding excessively and unbearably stinky” as a result of maltreatment, and “his only friend was a ripped blanket.” He’d also lost his hearing, which Rafael assumed was due to an undiagnosed infection.

Frank was terrified of almost anything when they initially received him, and he never wagged his tail. “When we got him, he was terrified of shadows and glimmerings, peed everything (including himself), had no tail wagging, and was terrified,” Borges added.

Borges said, “To this day, he runs away from brooms.” “However, thanks to his new family’s love and care, he is today a very happy dog.” Look what lovely things happen to him when he sleeps…”

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