Pit Bull Sobs Like A Baby After Mom’s Death, UPS Driver Give Him A Home.

We absolutely love reading stories about delivery drivers and dogs they meet along the way. This story is extra special. Meet Katie Newhouser and Leo, this is their story!

Katie Newhouser has been a UPS driver for 15 years. She loves to greet the dogs on her route with treats and hugs. That is how she befriended a friendly Pit Bull named Leo and his mom, Tina Rummel, who lived in one of the neighborhoods of her delivery network.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

Over many years, Katie and Leo formed a solid bond with each other. One day, Katie was devastated to learn that Tina had passed away, leaving behind the grieving Leo all alone. Tina’s son, Cannon, was far away on active marine duty, so Katie was worried about Leo’s well-being.

Katie noticed that Leo hopped into her vehicle and refused to let her go. So, she decided to foster him till Canon got back from his duty. At his new home, Leo’s easy-going nature made him bond well with the other dogs in Katie’s household. He soon became an inseparable part of their lives.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

Some days, Leo would terribly miss Tina and sob like a little baby before falling asleep. But his new siblings always cheered him up with their love. It wasn’t long before Katie realized that she would be unable to part ways with the sweet Leo.

Source: Inside Edition/YouTube

Katie eventually adopted Leo and gave him the forever home that he deserved. As Leo finally felt safe and sheltered in his new home with his doggo siblings, Katie noticed that his wide smile had returned. We are so happy that Leo found a happy ending with his new family!

This new environment brought a sense of safety and security for Leo, and his well-being was evident through the return of his joyful demeanor. It is with great pleasure to note that Leo has found a fulfilling and happy ending with his new family.


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