73-Year-Old Elephant Sheds Tears As She’s Being Rescued From Life Of Captivity

73-Year-Old Elephant Sheds Tears As She’s Being Rescued From Life Of Captivity

Committing oneself to animal rescue and rescue is never an easy task. You’ll get the opportunity to confront the brutal realities of human cruelty.
The unspeakable suffering that people inflict on these helpless animals is heartbreaking.
This reality, as cruel as it may be, will not deter those who want to aid and rescue animals in distress, writes natureknows.org.
In reality, it motivates them to achieve their primary goal: to protect defenseless creatures from cruel humans. Sook Jai, a 73-year-old elephant, is the subject of this rescue story.

She had been forced to work hard her entire life and had been mistreated. Sook Jai has become frail and old, and her body can no longer withstand the assault.
She was handed around to numerous owners for various jobs during her imprisonment. The elephant had been forced to work in tourist treks and street begging, but as she grew older, her health began to suffer. She went blind and lost most of her hearing as a result of the accident.
Thankfully, the nice people at Elephant Nature Park heard about Sook Jai’s plight and stepped in to provide her with a new home at their refuge.

The rescue center (which is connected to the Save Elephant Foundation) is located in Thailand. Sook Jai would finally have all the beautiful days she deserved.

“Sook Jai had the good fortune of being discovered by a compassionate soul who wanted to help her change her life,” they write in the video description. Joan Baez struck it rich when she agreed to assist sponsor SookJai to live a life free of abuse for the rest of her life.”
Sook Jai was picked up by a group of people. They were planning on returning to the refuge after a 20-hour excursion. When they originally took custody of the 73-year-old elephant, she wasn’t in good health. The violence she’d had had left several wounds on her head and body.

Throughout the long journey, the rescuers sought to keep SookJai safe and comfortable.
Despite the fact that they could tell she was hungry, she refused to eat. She was tired, exhausted, and oblivious to the type of life that lay ahead of her.
They were like her earthly angels. When the truck was chilly, the Elephant Nature Park personnel warmed it up, and when the elephant was hot, they cooled it down.
Sook Jai was probably not used to being handled so nicely.

An emotional scene was captured on film at one point during the trek.
It was a beautiful but heartbreaking moment in the life of an elephant who had finally been set free.
She had spent her life working and being mistreated, but now she knew where she was. She was aware that she was being rescued.
Sook Jai started crying.

The elephant may be seen in the footage with tears streaming down her cheeks. It’s an image that tugs at the heartstrings. “I cried the instant I saw her crying and waving her trunk,” one viewer wrote. She’s aware that she’s no longer enslaved. Please continue to save and rescue elephants; together, we can make a difference!”
Sook Jai has finally found her everlasting home.

After a long journey, the truck arrives to the refuge near the end of the video.
Despite the fact that the blind elephant is unable to see her new habitat, she quickly learns what it means to live in peace.
“Her life will be without any limits,” they declare at the end of the video. She will continue to be free, as she rightfully deserves.”
It’s a rescue story that’s affecting people all across the world. It isn’t, however, the only one. Elephantnews has a number of videos on YouTube that demonstrate the work they undertake at Elephant Nature Park.
The sanctuary has an Instagram account as well.

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