Rare Footage Shows Playful Six-Month-Old Baby Elephant Laughing During Game At Wildlife Preserve

Rare Footage Shows Playful Six-Month-Old Baby Elephant Laughing During Game At Wildlife Preserve

Obviously, video of a newborn elephant giggling with happiness is exceedingly uncommon. Elephants can emit sounds like these, which many people are likely unaware of. That’s why a video of a six-month-old elephant grinning at the Maevang Elephant Camp in Chiang Mai, Thailand, went viral in 2014, with viewers marveling at the elephant’s happiness and cute laughing sounds.

It’s no surprise that this film has received so much attention: it’s simply too gorgeous to describe. As you watch the elephant have fun while playing, you’ll be reminded of an innocent toddler. This shows that many infants, not just human newborns, are capable of experiencing joy and delight.

The film was shot near Chaing Mai, Thailand, at the Maevang Elephant Camp. Laura-Jane, an Aberdeenshire student, flew to Thailand to celebrate her recent college graduation, according to Metro. Laura-Jane, we’re sure, had no idea she’d be making a viral video to commemorate her achievement.

When she saw the baby elephant enjoying so much fun at the elephant camp during her visit, she realized it was a moment that needed to be shared with others.

When she submitted the video of the gorgeous elephant to her social media page, she had no idea that it would be seen by thousands of other people. The babysitter for the newborn elephant can be seen in the video engaging in various enjoyable activities with the baby. The two are playing with a plastic bucket, and the baby elephant is clearly having a good time.

The people who stood around observing were enthralled by the newborn elephant’s wonderful giggling noises. It’s tough not to smile when viewing this video since the laughter is contagious. Lauren-Jane has a Ph.D. in geology, so she must enjoy being in nature, and she appears to be glad to see that the elephants at the elephant camp are having a nice time, according to Metro.

Despite the fact that many elephants are still kept in cages at zoos and circuses, it’s nice to witness one at the camp having fun in nature. The elephant’s mother can even be seen close, keeping an eye on the event while knowing that her children are safe in the camp.

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