Mother Horse Gets Annoyed By Her 8 Weeks Old Daughter.

We get enthusiastic about meeting old friends or maybe acquiring a new skill, or even simple things like eating cake. And as this clip shows, this emotion is not only prevalent in humans but other animals as well. Take for example the adorable dancing mule featured in the video below. Raven is only eight weeks old. According to her owners, she is very full of herself. She’s happy, healthy, and also very joyful. In this video, she is “fighting” with a small white rock and showing off. Her antics are one of the cutest things you will ever see today.

At one point, she even falls down due to all the excitement, but that little slip doesn’t stop this spirited girl. She is a very adorable mule with a lot of sassiness at a very young age. That is the great thing about these animals and that is why we never get tired of them. If you really want to enjoy the whole experience as a horse owner, you should stay with your horses from the day they are born until the day they die. Please have a look at the video below and let us know what you think about this adorable mule.



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