Family is moved to tears when a girl takes her dying dog for one more car ride

When Libra, a Pit Bull mix, was presented to the Kramer family, she was just a young puppy. The family’s youngest daughter, April, who was just 8 at the time, and the loving dog quickly developed a special connection.

Along the way, Libra and her cute kitten sibling, Maxwell, also grew to be the best of friends.

April grew up quickly, and Libra became a reliable source of support for her as well. But after spending 15 happy years by her sister’s side, senior Libra’s health began to worsen. Her issues started with a few erratic seizures, which later resulted in the diagnosis of malignant lung tumors. After numerous visits to the veterinarian, it became evident that Libra was in great discomfort and didn’t have long to live.

Libra had only ever been a good girl for the Kramers, and they didn’t want her to endure any more pain. The family made the decision to accept death as the sick dog’s kidneys quickly deteriorated and caused her unbearable suffering. To show Libra her genuine and unending appreciation, April still had one more thing she wished to do for her.

Car journeys have always appealed to Libra. Therefore, April made the decision to roll down the window and let Libra have her favorite memory on her final vehicle ride to the veterinarian. The sick dog appeared peaceful for the next thirty minutes as she closed her eyes for one final time to enjoy the passing countryside while feeling the wind.

Now that Libra has passed the rainbow bridge, she is no longer in physical pain or fear. April, who is in mourning, tweeted the touching photo of Libra’s last car ride as a tribute to her best childhood friend. It certainly is both beautiful and tragic at the same time. Peace be with you, sweet girl.

Watch the video below to see how Libra’s fulfilling life culminated in one powerful final vehicle ride.

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