For many of us, summer means fresh air,  sun, happiness and relaxation!

And the summer season ought to bring joy to everyone,  even our four-legged friends. However, because their negligent owners abandon them all together in extremely hot cars during the summer, many innocent puppies experience dread and even death.

But for many poor pups, summer means fear and even death, as they’re left all one in dangerously hot cars by their irresponsible owners.

Every year, dogs suffer unnecessary deaths from being abandoned in warm automobiles by careless owners. It’s shocking that people are still putting their pets’ lives in danger in this way because it’s absolutely preventable and heartbreaking. Police in Clearwater,Florida, had to free a dog that was scorching inside a locked car after hearing it howling for assistance.

The police were called to the scene after staff at the Holiday Inn & Suites had heard the poor pup barking for its life .

They contacted the police who rushed to the scene and found the dog locked inside a dangerously hot car.

The police quickly smashed the car window and extricated the poor dog.
They rehydrated the dog with water, and they also cooled it off by stroking it with cool water.

Animal Control arrived around 15 minutes after the pup had been rescued, and when they measured the temp of the car, the temp was at 94,6 degrees despite the car being left open.

While the pup was locked in the car, the windows were up and all doors were closed, and the police feel confident that the temp must have measured at least 100 degrees at that time.

The pup’s owners had allegedly gone to the beach after leaving the dog in the car. It seems like they thought that their day in the sun was more valuable than their poor pups life.

There’s no doubt that the police saved this poor pups life. Overheating is incredibly dangerous and kills many dogs each year. Leaving a dog locked in a hot car is animal abuse and absolutely despicable.

The police said that the case had been “submitted to the Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney’s Office for prosecution” in a Facebook post.
It appears that the careless owners will be held accountable and that this adorable little dog won’t have to go through anything so horrible again.

Online, people have been expressing their gratitude to the police officers, their love and compassion for the pup, and their disdain for the neglectful owners.

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