Boy Jumps Into Freezing Canal To Rescue Horse From Drowning

Boy Jumps Into Freezing Canal To Rescue Horse From Drowning

Cameron Martin, 13, has been hailed as a hero after rescuing a horse from drowning in extremely cold water. The brave little man waded into the canal for nearly an hour in an attempt to hold the horse’s head up until aid arrived. Thanks to this “small hero,” the horse was eventually saved.

Cameron, from Lowestoft, North Yorkshire, was visiting the Midspirit Equestrian farm in Burgh Castle when he noticed Domino, a horse attempting to get out of the canal.

Image credits Wessex News Agency

“I was walking up to my field to view my pony when one of the owner’s horses wasn’t where it was supposed to be,” the child explained. “I was coming up to my field to meet my pony when I saw one of the owner’s horses wasn’t in the usual spot.” I panicked, and then my first thought was to check the dyke. I watched it attempting to submerge itself in the water. “I simply did what I needed to do.”

Tanya Docwra-Smith, the farm’s owner and the woman who was watching the 13-year-old kid at the time, says she became concerned when she realized Cameron had been gone for more than an hour, and they began looking for him.

“He usually walks off on his own for half an hour or so, and we’re used to it,” the mother told Eastern Daily Press. “But on this day, he was gone for much over an hour, and we started to fear.” “He continued hopping in and out of the water.” It was all quite terrifying. Domino’s head was kept out of the water by him to keep him from drowning.”

Tanya contacted for assistance when she realized what was going on, and Domino was eventually rescued from the icy canal and put to a warm bath. Cameron, on the other hand, could not have saved the horse’s life. The brave boy kept Domino’s head up with his every ounce of effort.

“Cameron understands how to handle horses so well,” Tanya explained, “that he’d had the foresight to hop on the side of the dyke every now and then to bounce around and wave his hands in an attempt to draw our attention.” “He was well aware that leaving the horse for even a second would have resulted in its death.”

Cameron was overjoyed that he was able to save the poor horse’s life, even though he was trembling like a leaf. Despite the fact that he admits his efforts were exhausting. “I was so tired afterward that I slept for 24 hours, woke up for five, and then slept for another 22,” he claimed.

However, the horse’s owner, the local community, and the media all praised him for his bravery. Tanya said, “Not even an adult would have the guts to do what he did.” “After this, he and the horse have formed a friendship.”

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