A Special Footage of 110 Rescued Horses Running To The Pasture.

Duchess Sanctuary, a 1120-acre property near OR, Auckland, is run by The Fund for Animals in collaboration with the HSUS. It’s a lovely and spacious haven for hundreds of horses who were previously abused, abandoned, ignored, or homeless. In the brief video below, personnel are preparing to relocate 110 rescued horses to another field.

Watch as these stunning horses race down the hills, directly towards the camera, and into a new pasture. The amount of horses rescued in this area is nearly astounding! These lovely animals are deserving of their newfound freedom, especially given the harrowing circumstances under which they were rescued.

Many of the horses at the sanctuary come from the Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU) industry. Many former PMU mares resided in crates, were pregnant, and were used for urine. Some foals were fated to join their mothers in this form of misery, while others were slaughtered.

That is why seeing this video is so enjoyable.


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