Naughty Horse Demands Neck Scratches From Owner.

This horse is loving the fact that the man has found his itchy spots, and he loves it so much that he won’t let the man leave. The horse is hilarious as he pulls the man back in again and again, and he’s clearly telling him to get to work and keep scratching.

According to The Horse, grooming is an activity that is highly important to a horse’s well-being. In herds, horses groom each other, because being groomed feels good. Grooming can be a sign of affection between horses, but even when horses are alone, they will seek out grooming by scratching themselves against trees or the barn.

This horse is so thankful for the scratches and I don’t think that he will ever be satisfied. Certainly, it is going to take a long time for his owner to stop. Is your horse a scratch lover? Have a look at the following video for more, let us know your thoughts on the video, and do not forget to spread out the video on social media!



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