Old Woman Jumps Into Cold Water To Save Horse’s Life.

We are very happy that there are still people who put horses’ safety first and go through difficult things just to rescue them.

One of the many kind equestrians who have dedicated their lives to horses is the woman shown in the video below. She is a tough lady who cares more about her horse than herself. As soon as she saw the horse named CD stuck into the cold water she jumped to save him without thinking it twice.

CD found himself in a difficult position after he managed to run from his barn and hopped into the top of a pool nearby. He assumed that the cover was thick and that’s how he slipped into the pool. As you can imagine he couldn’t get out on his own and was in a desperate state.
Luckily for him, a horse trainer named Denise Casares went there to rescue the poor horse who definitely needed her help. Even though she wasn’t wearing the right clothes, she didn’t mind jumping into the cold water because CD’s safety was the most important thing at that moment.
The horse was very scared and it took some minutes to follow Denise’s instructions but after putting on the halter, CD managed to get out of the cold water. Good job Denise!


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