Man Goes To Feed Store And Ends Up Rescuing 7 Sweet Mini Horses.

Lee Asher was visiting a feed store and saw a pony outside he was interested in rescuing. While in the store to ask the horse’s owner if he could, he met Janice and her husband, who are in their 80s. They got to chatting and the couple told Lee they are fans of his and follow him on social media. Janice told him they have a lot of mini horses that they can’t properly care for due to their age. She asked him for his number if he might be able to help out. “You would be an answer to all my prayers,” she told him. She further explained that they were just too old to give the mini horses the best care possible.

Lee couldn’t say no and a short time later, Lee brought seven of the sweet senior mini horses to his sanctuary. Said Lee, “It’s just beautiful how things work out.” If he hadn’t gone into the feed store to ask about that pony, he would never have run into Janice and been able to help rescue these horses !


And Lee recently shared another video where he introduces his new rescue horses.



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